Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love Is In The Air

Love is indeed in the air! Wishing everyone a very Happy Valentines Day! Today I am not thinking about personal love, but love of writing. All writers share this love. Writing is our passion - we live to write! It is in our blood, it is our reason for getting up very morning. Sometimes we curse it out, sometimes we hide from it, but at all times nothing will drag us away from our computers!

If you are like me, you will write about anything and everything! Anything that catches my interest can spark a story -some long, some short, but there is always a story there. Lately I have found myself writing short rants (under the guise of blogs) about things that irritate me. Some things I wisely keep to myself, but others are fit for public consumption. By writing it out I can often times come up with a solution. At the least, others facing the same issues will be reassured that they are not alone. ;-)

My love of writing is helping me to expand my life. Expand it as far as meeting new friends in the writing world, getting feedback on my writing, researching writing tools, researching publication options and connecting with with editors and publicists.

Where is your love of writing taking you?

(c) February 2011 Bonnie Cehovet

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