Monday, September 14, 2020

Should You Change Your Kindle Keywords?


Let's look at what Kindle keywords are. They are the keywords that you enter into the seven boxes on your KDP dashboard when uploading your book. They can be found just under the Publishing Rights section. These seven words are of utmost importance - this is what Amazon uses to index your book in the Kindle Store. You want your book to be able to be found, then you want people to purchase it. In other words - you want your book to be relevant. Side note: the keywords in your book's sub-title also carry great weight.

Keywords that are specific to your book will help place it higher in ranking (and make it easier to see). How do you select those keywords? One thing that you can do is use a keyword generator. Or you can simply sit down and write out a list of phrases that apply to the content of your book. Then weed out the ones that you do not think people would use in a search.  

How can you check on how competitive (strong) your keywords are? Go to, and see how their sales ranking converts into sales per day. This is the site of Dave Chesson, a Kindlepreneur who has a ton of information at the ready to help you position yourself to make sales.

Did you know that there are certain keywords that you should avoid? You can find out all about them here

So now you have your keywords. If you are like me, you thought that once you had your book up on Amazon, and your keywords added, that you were good for life. Not so! Every few months you should go back into your keywords and change them up. What happens when you do this is that Amazon reindexes you, and you have the ability to draw in new sales.

Small changes bring in big results!

(c) September 2020 Bonnie Cehovet
Reproduction prohibited without written permission from the author.

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