Monday, October 10, 2011

My Week -

I am writing this while listening to “Palladio”, by eScala ( Incredible music! And what an incredible week this has been! A lot of review work done, the DVD's of my webinar with Linda Marson ( ) arrived, I am putting together a webinar on journeying that will be presented this November 5th with Mary Nale, and Mary and I are in discussions about doing a webinar on the Shadow aspects of the Birth Cards.

I put together an Animoto video promoting my DVD's that I think turned out fairly well, considering that I am not a techie. Animoto just made some changes in their system, so I was flying by the seat of my pants again. The video can be seen here - . .

Today I will be putting up the last of the twelve Birth Card pairs on Face Book and Google +. I know that you can do this on Twitter – put a pic up – but I haven't figured out how to do it yet!

It is interesting to me how the world is opening up as far as using other types of media to promote my book, This will certainly be useful experience in promoting future work!

Last, but not least, I took a signed copy of my book to a friend who was doing readings at a local psychic fair. I also managed to buy a lovely piece of rose quartz with a gold snake etched into it, and a rock with a Reiki healing symbol painted on it. Also managed to lose them “somewhere”. I think I may have left them at the shop, while I was leaving a laminated copy of my book cover, along with a cover letter. Yes, Bonnie is finally getting those book covers out!

The coming week gets to be a writing week for me, focusing on my second Tarot book. Life is good!

© October 2011 Bonnie Cehovet

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