Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Miscellany In An Author's Life

This is a very busy week - a book to finish, reviews to do, a business to promote, a 9-5 to maintain. So I am not going to be original in any way, shape, or form in this blog. I am simple going to share what has come my way.

I am going to start out with the work of two Internet friends that have both earned their chops in the writing world. Jordan Hoggard is the ultimate Renaissance man . architect, artist, writer, creator of Tarot In The Land Of Mystereum , and author/artist for a proposed ten volume series of poems entitled "Prescient Remembrance". The first three volumes can be purchased here. Incredible work ... work that I feel will be referred to as "epic poetry".

The next work that I want to recommend is that of Noreen Jamison (Maven Noreen). Noreen is a metaphysician, healer, intuitive, and empath. She is an incredible Wise Woman! Her work includes "Petals of the R.O.S.E.", "Wells of Wisdom", "Whispers ... I Know", "Lifescapes", "Branching Out", "Buds ... Blossoms ... Brooms",and "Windscapes". There will be two more books in this series. Personal empowerment to the max! Her books can be purchased here.

Kudos to my writer friends!

(c) February 2013 Bonnie Cehovet

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Using The Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition Program

Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 from Nuance is my latest project. Yes, it was a Christmas present, and yes, I have had it on my laptop since (almost) day one! And yes, my audio profile has been set up for almost as long! And yes, the Dragon people are very good at sending me e-mails, encouraging me to work with the training tools on their site - And I actually did print out their very nice command cheat sheet! (I do still have to get it laminated, though.)

To back up a bit, Dragon is a speech recognition program, available for PC and MAC. It is much more than a toy … I do a considerable amount of writing, and this will save my hands from issues connected with arthritis. Aside from formal writing, Dragon does some really time saving things, such as interacting with g-mail and Hotmail, and posting to Twitter and Facebook.

There is a very magical page that takes you deeply into the Dragon program, and its capabilities. It’s called “Training Tools For Dragon 12” - . Here you can get an overview of  the programs capabilities, watch feature demos, check out resources, and connect with tech support  and customer support.

There is a Getting Started DVD, as well as online training courses that can be purchased.  Nuance also offers one on one training for a fee.

There are several on demand webinars for Dragon that address ways in which it is effective in specific venues, such as Public Safety, Insurance, Social & Health Services, Financial Services, Education, Law Firms, Improving Productivity & Reducing Injuries, Speech Recognition For The Federal Government, Dragon Software Developers Kit.

I just downloaded the Dragon 12 Workbook and Users Guide. I want to be as informed about this system as possible. Yes, hands on with the system is my next step, but before I go there I need to have a general understanding of what it can do, and how it dos it. (And I need togolaminate my Cheat Sheet!)

Woo Hoo! I am into the “How To” demos!  To view the videos properly. Click the screen symbol at the bottom of the video, and the video will go tofull screen.

Here is a unique video using the dictation box to post and update status to Facebook -

The following is not a “How To” video, but it does address the question of whether kids can use Dragon - .

I may not use an nth of the capabilities of this program, but what I do  use will save me time and energy … and that is worth it to me!

© February 2013 Bonnie Cehovet


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Motivated To Succeed!


We all have to look for motivation to keep going, to define that BIG DREAM, We then strive to keep the motivation going strong so that we can achieve that dream. What I have found personally is that I feel most comfortable with multiple streams of income. One of those streams will always be my writing ... whatever form it takes. Another stream very recently opened up for me ... one that I never thought would work for me. 

I have tried network marketing once or twice ... I lost money ... never got close to understanding the process. In large part, this was because I could never get behind the alleged "product". I have to believe in something if I am going to be encouraging other people to invest. Then a product that I can believe in crossed my path.

That product is a unique mobile applicati. on called the Inspired Living Application. On a weekly basis short (6-9 minute) motivational videos are brought to your mobile device. (Note: There is also a web application for those that do not have mobile devices.) These are high quality videos presented by leaders in their respective fields of personal motivation, business development, time management, goal setting and more. Interested? You can find out more here - Inspired Living Application

If what you see on these pages interests you, iLA has a webinar that acts as a short overview of what iLA has to offer. Please take a few minutes to view it here

What I have found is that my writing skills came in handy is developing documents to send to those that sign up under me to help them get this program going. For the first five days of enrollment I send out a document each day with pertinent information. I am also available to answer any questions that potential associates might have about the program. I can be contacted at 

The corporate office is available to answer questions at any time, and there are two Facebook groups that have been developed to support those working in this program. For those that are interested, watch the videos, watch the informational overview, and feel free to ask me any questions that you might have.

How big is your dream? Make it come true! 

(c) February 2013 Bonnie Cehovet

Monday, February 4, 2013

Surviving the Holidays - Taking Charge of Your Life


"Surviving the Holidays - Taking Charge of Your Life" is an e-book that I put up on Kindle in the middle of last December. I know ...  I got it up a bit late! And ... yes, the holidays have passed.  However, the things that I talk about in this book are basic survival skills for anyone who ever ventures out of their living room. They really do apply at any time of year.

I address the issues that stress us ... trying to balance home, family, and work. Living up to our own expectations,as well as those of others. Dealing with family issues. Getting through family dinners with everybody still intact! Planning trips with children, the elderly, or pets. 

I look at the expectation we set for ourselves, and the expectations that others have of us. We tend to forget that we are in charge of our own lives. We can control how we react to what is going on around us. We can let go of something that no longer works for us. 

I give readers a list of questions thy can ask themselves about whee they are in their lives, what needs to be nurtured, and what needs to be let go of.

"Surviving the Holidays - Taking Charge of Your Life" can be found here -  "Surviving the Holidays - Taking Charge of Your Life" .

For those of us doing webinars, Google Hangouts, or Skype conferences, here are some great ideas for looking presentable! How To Look Good On Your Webcam .

(c) February 2013 Bonnie Cehovet

Long Chapters Or Short Chapters - What Is Your Preference?

Does it make a difference to a reader whether the chapters in a book are long or short? It does to me. I like shorter chapters, as they feed...