Wednesday, July 24, 2013

As writers, we look for very specialized help. I recently met an individual that offers many of these services. I met her in her capacity as a writer, but her chops as a mentor to writers are astounding! Her name is Jamie Morris, and her site is What does she offer? 

In a word - support. Support for writers. She offers support to writers of all levels of experience,  through writing workshops, intermediate/advanced critique groups, weekend writing intensives, and specialized presentations on the craft and process of writing. Jamie offers creative inspiration for writers that is grounded in the principles of the craft.

She offers individualized support, through coaching, editing, and literary critique services. Her aim is to help you move your project forward, and to help provide direction and insight. On her site you will find a listing of AWA (Amherst Writers and Artists) workshops, book writer's workshops (great for those with a WIP), book writer's critique group, and more.

Jamie also offers a newsletter that you can sign up  for on her site, along with a multitude of testimonials, and a clear vision of her credentials and coaching style.

 If you are looking for help in any of the above areas, check Jamie out. She is easy to talk to, highly creative, and wants to see those around her succeed!

(c) 2000 - 2013 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction in any cenue prohibited without written permission of the author.

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie,

    Thank you so much for this post. Coming from someone who has written so much herself, and knows so many fine writers, this means an especial lot to me!

    May the Writing Fairies sprinkle Magical Literary Dust liberally across your desk and keyboard.



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