Sunday, March 19, 2023

AI And Dream Inerpretation

What is dream interpretation? It can be viewed as assigning meaning to the imagery and symbols within our dreams. Dreams can be a way for spirit to bring messages to us. They can be a portent of things to come and/or things to watch out for. They can be a way of addressing stress in our daily lives or addressing shadow issues that we do not feel comfortable dealing with. Dreams play an important part in our lives and need to be acknowledged and respected. 

The world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has now found its way into dream interpretation. What AI does is gather intelligence (facts) and turn them into algorithms that help us analyze the patterns and symbols found in our dreams. In essence, we are looking into our own unconscious mind, the mind that created the dream in the first place. 

The app that came to my attention was, an app that interprets dreams but also has what is called Dreamer Map, where users can share their dreams with the community and get feedback from other users.

I put into the app a dream that I had some time ago of my mother and I in a speeding convertible with the top down. She was driving. (In real life, we would not have been in a convertible with the top down, and we would not have been speeding.) We were coming up to a curve that I knew we were not going to be able to navigate. We flew off the curve, out into space, towards the ocean. We did not go nose down, we floated down horizontally in a peaceful manner. I woke up before we hit the water.

I had already interpreted this dream as it was very straightforward. The interpretation that the app gave me was spot on.

It is easily seen how this tool can help individuals in their daily lives, but how would we use this tool as writers? We can use it to present flashbacks, we can use it as warnings for the future, we can have our characters entering into conversations with those that have crossed over, and we can have the solution/resolution to an issue present itself in a dream. 

We can create a dream with one AI app (such as ChapGPT) and have it interpreted by another AI app (such as

AI is here to stay - we simply need to discover how to use it and what part we want it to play in our lives.

(c) March 2023 Bonnie Cehovet
Reproduction is prohibited without the written consent of the author.


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