Monday, November 18, 2019

What To Look For When Following A Blog

Why should we want to follow someone else's blog? Perhaps they offer information that is pertinent to what we are doing. Perhaps they offer information that we are simply interested in. In the end, it should be information written in a style that we can connect with, and that enriches our life.

Some of the things I look for are: 
  • Is the blog focused on a defined audience?
  • Is the voice consistent from blog to blog?
  • Is the page that the blog is on organized in a logical manner? Does it present well? Do the links work? Is the color scheme a match for the material being presented?
  • Is the blog coming out on a consistent bases (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly).
  • Does the blogger sound like they know what they are talking about?  
As a writer, I follow a couple of blogs religiously. One of them is written by Nathan Bransford (an author and former literary agent), and the other is, a blog written by a group of female mystery writers.

What blogs do you follow, and why?

(c) November 2019 Bonnie Cehovet
Reproduction prohibited without written permission from the author.

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