Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Marketing Your Book On Amazon
Author: Shelley Hitz
Independently Published
Kindle Edition

This is an amazing book that is targeted specifically at promoting books on Amazon.com. Writing a book is the first step, getting your book published is the second step. Then comes the marketing … at which point many authors throw up their hands, or drop back ten and punt. Neither strategy will get your book out to the intended audience. Hitz takes the reader through a step by step process, making best use of the marketing strategies available on Amazon.com.

The book is written in a manner that anyone can follow, yet you never feel the material has been “dumbed down”. Written for authors that have previously been published, as well as authors new to the publishing game, Hitz lists the key areas to focus on, and goes through a step by step process to get the most out of them. She addresses making best use of your Amazon sales page, choosing the correct categories for your book, working with Author Central, adding your books to Author Central, changing your book categories for print books, changing your book categories for Kindle e-books, linking print and e-books, adding search keywords, adding tags, keeping an updated Author Profile, posting reviews on your sales page, updating your Amazon public profile (I would have never thought of this!), adding extras through Shelfari, working with the Amazon Associate program, digitally autographing your Kindle e-books (This was news to me!), promoting your book via social media, promoting your book with KDP select, and a nifty post publication checklist that I printed out and am going to have laminated!

I am very excited about the information presented here, and intend to keep it close by my side!

Bonus material is also included: free downloadable templates, and the report “200+ Free Book Marketing and Author Tools”, and a video tutorial.

© November 2012 Bonnie Cehovet

Bonnie Cehovet – Google +

1 comment:

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