Sunday, August 1, 2010

Proofreadng, Submitting, Promoting

In a very good place with my current project – it is written, put together in order (don’t ask!), and ready for proofreading. Then I have to code it and get it out to my editor. I am really, really pleased with the way that this is turning out. Everything is coming together, there are no loose threads, and I think it will stand on its own. Whew!

Now my partner and I (I wrote the book, she is both artist and author for the Tarot deck that accompanies it) are looking at promotional venues. I am looking at blogging, and getting a professional Face Book page up, as the book/deck set will not be available until fall 2011. I think I may also get some articles out there on the subject, linking back to my blog and my site, as well as my Face Book page.

I want to have my author Twitter site feed into my author Face Book page, and possibly my author site. (Coding and I do not tend to get along too well!)

A great source of information for both getting your work up, and promoting it, is Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s site - Carolyn offers both books and services related to writing and promoting books. She helped me get my last Tarot book up on, for which I will forever be grateful! She can be found on Face book, and on Twitter (@frugalbookpromo.

Off to plan out the rest of my Sunday!

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